How to use Reduce Function to Sum Array in DataWeave 2.0

In the realm of data transformation and manipulation, DataWeave 2.0 is a powerful tool often used to work with arrays. One common task is reducing an array to a sum, which can be particularly useful when dealing with numeric data.

In this article, we’ll explore How to use Reduce Function to Sum Array in DataWeave 2.0. We’ll walk you through the process step by step and provide the necessary code examples.

Understanding the Reduce Function

Before diving into the practical implementation, it’s crucial to understand the reduce function in DataWeave. This function is designed to perform an operation on each element of an array and accumulate a result. In our case, we want to sum the elements of an array.

How to Use Reduce Function to Sum Array in DataWeave 2.0

Step 1: Define Your Array

The first step is to have an array that you want to reduce to a sum. Let’s create a sample array:

%dw 2.0
output application/json
var numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Here, we have an array called numbers containing some numeric values.

Step 2: Use the Reduce Function

Now, we’ll utilize the reduce function to sum the elements of our array. The reduce function takes two arguments: an initial accumulator value and a lambda function to perform the operation. Here’s how you can do it:

%dw 2.0
output application/json
var numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
var sum = numbers reduce ((item, accumulator) -> item + accumulator)
  "totalSum": sum

In this code, we initialize the sum variable with the result of reducing the numbers array. The lambda function (item, accumulator) -> item + accumulator adds each item of the array to the accumulator, effectively summing up the values.

Step 3: Display the Result

To complete the process, we need to display the result. In this case, we’re creating a JSON object to represent the total sum:

  "totalSum": sum

Step 4: Running the Code

To see the code in action, you can run it in a DataWeave environment or integration tool like MuleSoft. After running the code, you’ll get the following result:

  "totalSum": 15

In this example, the totalSum field represents the sum of the numbers in the numbers array. From this step by step guide you must clear your doubt on How to use Reduce Function to Sum Array in DataWeave 2.0


How to Use the Reduce Function to Sum Array in DataWeave 2.0

All DataWeave 2.0 Array Manipulation Functions and Descriptions

FunctionDataWeave 2.0 Array Manipulation Functions 
mapTransforms each element in an array using a specified operation and returns a new array with the results.
filterFilters an array based on a specified condition, returning a new array containing only the elements that meet the condition.
reduceAccumulates a result by applying a specified operation to each element of an array, returning a single value.
pluckExtracts values from an array of objects based on a specified key or attribute, returning a new array of extracted values.
distinctByRemoves duplicate elements from an array based on a specified key or attribute, returning a new array with unique elements.
orderBySorts the elements in an array based on a specified key or attribute, returning a new array with the sorted elements.
groupByGroups elements in an array based on a specified key or attribute, returning a new array of grouped objects.
joinByCombines elements of an array into a single string, using a specified delimiter.
pluckByExtracts values from an array of objects based on a specified key or attribute, returning a new array of extracted values. Similar to pluck but with key mapping.
sumByCalculates the sum of numeric values in an array of objects based on a specified key or attribute, returning the total sum.
sumOfCalculates the sum of numeric values in an array, returning the total sum.
maxByFinds the maximum value in an array of objects based on a specified key or attribute, returning the maximum element.
minByFinds the minimum value in an array of objects based on a specified key or attribute, returning the minimum element.
sizeOfReturns the number of elements in an array.
isEmptyChecks if an array is empty and returns a boolean value (true if empty, false if not).
containsChecks if an array contains a specific element and returns a boolean value.
flattenConverts a nested array into a flat array, removing nested structure.
reverseReverses the order of elements in an array.
sliceExtracts a portion of an array based on specified start and end indexes, returning a new array.
distinctRemoves duplicate elements from an array, returning a new array with unique elements.

What is DataWeave 2.0?

What is DataWeave 2.0?

DataWeave 2.0 is a domain-specific language designed for data transformation. It enables developers to efficiently convert and manipulate data from one format to another. Let’s dive deeper into its features.

Understanding Data Transformation

Data transformation is the process of converting the data from one format to another while preserving its integrity and structure. DataWeave 2.0 simplifies this complex task.

Key Features of DataWeave 2.0

1. Expressive Syntax

DataWeave 2.0 boasts an intuitive and expressive syntax, making it easy for developers to write transformation logic. It uses functional programming concepts, allowing for concise and readable code.

2. Wide Data Format Support

One of DataWeave 2.0’s strengths is its ability to handle various data formats, including JSON, XML, CSV, and more. This versatility ensures it can be used in diverse data integration scenarios.

3. Mapping Functions

DataWeave 2.0 provides a rich set of built-in functions for data mapping. Developers can perform complex transformations with ease, reducing development time.

4. Error Handling

Effective error handling is crucial in data transformation. DataWeave 2.0 offers robust error-handling capabilities, allowing developers to handle exceptions gracefully.

Use Cases

DataWeave 2.0 finds applications in a wide range of scenarios:

1. ETL Processes

DataWeave 2.0 is commonly used in ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes to convert data from source systems into a format suitable for analysis and reporting.

2. API Integration

Integrating with APIs often requires data transformation. DataWeave 2.0 simplifies this task, ensuring seamless communication between systems.

3. Data Enrichment

Data enrichment involves adding valuable information to existing data. DataWeave 2.0 facilitates this by allowing developers to combine data from multiple sources.

4. Real-time Data Processing

In real-time data processing, DataWeave 2.0 shines by providing rapid data transformation, enabling businesses to make informed decisions in real-time.

Getting Started with DataWeave 2.0

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s explore how to get started with DataWeave 2.0:


To begin using DataWeave 2.0, you need to install the appropriate runtime environment and development tools. Detailed installation guides are available on the official website.

Writing Your First DataWeave 2.0 Script

Creating your first DataWeave 2.0 script is an exciting step. You can start by experimenting with simple transformations and gradually move on to more complex tasks.

Best Practices DataWeave 2.0

To make the most of DataWeave 2.0, consider these best practices:

1. Code Reusability

Encapsulate frequently used transformation logic into reusable functions to improve code maintainability.

2. Testing

Thoroughly test your DataWeave 2.0 scripts to ensure they produce the desired output and handle errors gracefully.

3. Documentation

Document your transformations comprehensively, making it easier for other team members to understand and maintain the code.

DataWeave 2.0 is a powerful tool that simplifies data transformation tasks. Its expressive syntax, wide data format support, and error-handling capabilities make it a valuable asset in the world of data integration. By following best practices and exploring its features, developers can harness its full potential to streamline their data processes.


Reducing an array to its sum in DataWeave 2.0 is a straightforward process that involves using the reduce function. By understanding how this function works and following the step-by-step guide provided in this article How to use Reduce Function to Sum Array in DataWeave 2.0, you can efficiently sum the elements of any array in your data transformation tasks. Whether you’re working with financial data, statistics, or any other numeric data, mastering this technique in DataWeave will be a valuable skill in your toolbox.

Now that you’ve learned how to reduce an array to a sum in DataWeave 2.0, you can apply this knowledge to various real-world scenarios, making your data manipulation tasks more efficient and precise. Happy coding!


  1. What is DataWeave 2.0, and why is it important for data transformation?
  • DataWeave 2.0 is a powerful data transformation language used in integration platforms like MuleSoft. It’s important because it simplifies complex data manipulation tasks.
  1. What does it mean to reduce an array in DataWeave?
  • Reducing an array in DataWeave means performing an operation on each element of the array and accumulating a single result.
  1. Why would I want to sum the elements of an array in DataWeave?
  • Summing elements in an array is useful for calculating totals, averages, or performing other numeric operations on data.
  1. How do I define an array in DataWeave 2.0?
  • You can define an array in DataWeave 2.0 using square brackets [] and separating the elements with commas.
  1. Can I work with arrays of non-numeric data types in DataWeave?
  • Yes, you can work with arrays of various data types, not just numeric data.
  1. What is the reduce function, and how does it work?
  • The reduce function is used to accumulate a result by applying a specified operation to each element of an array.
  1. What arguments does the reduce function in DataWeave take?
  • The reduce function takes two arguments: an initial accumulator value and a lambda function that defines the operation.
  1. Can you provide an example of using the reduce function to sum an array?
  • Certainly, please refer to the article for a detailed code example.
  1. Are there other operations I can perform with the reduce function besides summation?
  • Yes, you can perform various operations such as multiplication, concatenation, or finding the maximum or minimum value using the reduce function.
What happens if I don’t specify an initial accumulator value in the reduce function?

If you omit the initial accumulator value, DataWeave will use the first element of the array as the initial value.

Can I use the reduce function with arrays of different data types?

Yes, you can use the reduce function with arrays of different data types, but ensure that the lambda function is compatible with the data types involved.

How do I handle empty arrays when using the reduce function?

To handle empty arrays, provide an appropriate initial accumulator value or add logic to check for empty arrays before using reduce.

Is DataWeave 2.0 the same as DataWeave 1.0 in terms of array operations?

While there are similarities, DataWeave 2.0 introduces new features and improvements in handling arrays and other data structures.

Can I use DataWeave 2.0 outside of MuleSoft environments?

Yes, you can use DataWeave 2.0 in various environments and integration tools, not limited to MuleSoft.

Are there performance considerations when working with large arrays?

Yes, when working with large arrays, consider performance implications, and optimize your code accordingly.

Can I nest reduce functions to perform complex operations on nested arrays?

Yes, you can nest reduce functions to perform complex operations on nested arrays.

Are there any alternative approaches to summing an array in DataWeave 2.0?

Yes, you can also use other functions like sumBy or sumOf for specific use cases.

How do I handle errors or exceptions when working with arrays in DataWeave?

You can use error-handling mechanisms like try and catch in DataWeave to handle errors gracefully.

Where can I find more resources and documentation on DataWeave 2.0?

You can refer to the official documentation of DataWeave 2.0 and community forums for additional resources.

What are some real-world scenarios where reducing arrays in DataWeave 2.0 is useful?

Reducing arrays is helpful in scenarios like calculating order totals in e-commerce systems, aggregating data from multiple sources, and generating reports with summaries.

Is DataWeave 2.0 suitable for real-time data processing?

Yes, DataWeave 2.0 is highly suitable for real-time data processing due to its rapid transformation capabilities.

Can I use DataWeave 2.0 for data enrichment?

Absolutely! DataWeave 2.0 excels at data enrichment by allowing you to combine data from multiple sources.

What data formats does DataWeave 2.0 support?

DataWeave 2.0 supports a wide range of data formats, including JSON, XML, CSV, and more.

Is DataWeave 2.0 suitable for beginners in data integration?

While DataWeave 2.0 has a learning curve, it offers great benefits once you become familiar with its features.